Master of Informatics


Welcome Message

Welcome to the Master of Informatics Program (MSINF) at PPU. Our primary focus for MSINF is to help students achieve career goals and a balance with real life experiences and academic interests.

We are committed to doing so in a supportive and friendly environment that maintains the highest academic standards.

Over the next years, the MSINF program will be landing on many milestones, especially after the new developed 2013 curricula / plan. The program itself started in 2007.

Students within the Program experience a wide variety of educational opportunities and areas of concentration / tracks not often found in other academic master programs, including different interesting subjects related to information technology, networking, software design, database systems and intelligent systems.

These educational opportunities within MSINF, which has also become a leader in ICT, research, enable us to fulfill different students' requests and interests.

What qualities do we seek in our students? In addition to dedication, we strongly encourage talented serious students to consider joining the MSINF.

The program is supervised by a committee of experienced staff members who have interests in different concentration areas. Please find more information about our faculty, curriculum and facilities on this website and we look forward to hearing from you.

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Dean Office
Wadi Al Harya
Building C
Tel : 02-2233050
Ext : 9299
Email :

مكتب العميد
واد الهرية
مبنى C
هاتف : 02-2233050
داخلي : 9299
بريد الكتروني :
