
Power Electronics and Signal Processing Research Unit ( PESPRU) was establish  by Palestine Polytechnic University (PPU)  in  the academic year 2005, as a  strategic mission of PPU to be a leader in creating and applying new technologies in this field.

Furthermore this unit aims at placing an  advanced position in serving the local and global industrial sectors. Research activity in this field should be realized in order to  strengthen the mutual relations with other similar institutions. 


Mission Statement

The Center of Power Electronics and Signal processing (PSPRU) carries out cutting edge research and development in power electronics and signal processing. It also provides a critically needed supply of highly trained undergraduates and graduates as well as advice and unique research facilities for industry and community needs.


Vision Statement

The vision of Power Electronics and Signal Processing Research Unit is to be a leader in applying new technologies, realizing advance research activities, serving the industrial needs, strengthening co-operations with similar institutions, creating and supporting new research ideas in the field of power electronics and signal processing.


      The main objectives of this unit:

  • Providing  the industry with new technologies in the field of Industrial Electronics, Signal Processing, and Electrical Energy in general.
  • Strengthening  the relationships with  local and global industries and similar institutions.
  • Starting  advanced research projects in cooperation with external partners ( industrial sector, universities, and similar  research centers).
  • Solving Industrial problems in the field of Power Electronics, Electromagnetic Field and  Energy Conversion.
  • Design new apparatus, electronic circuits, and full industrial units, therefore increasing the university income and saving the national resources.
  • Organizing meetings and workshops  with the purpose of  discussing  and exchanging  knowledge with competent experts. 
  • Improving the educational environment of the university students involved in this field or other related fields . 
  • Inviting national and international experts in the related field to give lectures, seminars, i.e…...
  • This unit can may play major role in  providing the university with new power electronic elements, circuits, full scale industrial and laboratory systems, and electrical energy equipments .    
  • Organizing short and long term training programs.
  • This unit  can play major role in preparing new academic programs for undergraduate and graduate students.

Dean Office
Wadi Al Harya
Building C
Tel : 02-2233050
Ext : 9299
Email : dsr@ppu.edu

مكتب العميد
واد الهرية
مبنى C
هاتف : 02-2233050
داخلي : 9299
بريد الكتروني : dsr@ppu.edu